Seven years ago, I started a journey into meditation, and it was Peter who guided me to explore this practice at a whole new level. Few years later life blessed me with Peter as my mentor. I can't express enough gratitude for all that Peter has done for me. His teachings are profound, his understanding is boundless, and his compassion knows no limits. With his gentle guidance, I navigated the depths of my soul and reconnected with my true self. Through his wisdom, I learned to perceive the perfection in every moment and every experience of my life. If I had to describe Peter's essence in one word, it would undoubtedly be "LOVE." His love just shines. I am eternally grateful for his presence in my life. 


I came into working with Peter through the reference of a mutual friend. When I first stepped into the knowledge of Human Design and Gene Keys I was really a novice, a beginner on my journey deep into myself and who I am and what I'm here to serve. After I started working with Peter, I was introduced to these two systems, but also re-initiated back into my lineage of Tibetan Buddhism and a deeper knowledge in many many systems in the spiritual world, by my wonderful guide, Peter. His wide range of knowledge and the strong foundation of mindfulness and meditation sparked a light in my then darkness filled soul and pointed me towards finding salvation inside of myself. He held my hand gently and invited me into the field of unfathomable depths. The melting into all that I was, and all that I can be. Each journey with him into a variety of practices, originating from both the east and the west, led me deeper into a knowing. But then resting deeper into what is not there to be known.

The stages of personal development, the crossing of each threshold into a deeper level. The process was fed into me with kindness and gentleness and a big amount of patience. Peter's guidance was essential in my journey into trusting my own wisdom, and my own unique path in this world. He helped me to open up my heart, to love everything and everyone all the manifestations of the one source with my whole being. He led me to believe that each stage on my journey is something to be cherished. Something to be enjoyed. Its flavors unique and personal. He held my trembling soul weary from seeking and searching for a meaning in life and gifted me the balm of merging back into unity, melting back into no separation.

During the time that I worked with Peter, each week I felt myself initiated into a higher frequency of living. I felt myself taking a breath from the exhausting running of the mind and settling back into my own energy and my own support. 

I pray that whoever comes across this audio testimonial can feel my genuine gratitude of having been called to learn from this mentor. I pray that all find the chance of living happiness and seeing joy and perfection in each moment of our lives.

From my heart to yours, may all be guided to light.


The truth is, even as new frontiers were being pushed and “I” was masterfully led into wider and wider spectrums of consciousness, parts of me were still oblivious to what was unfolding. Then realizations upon realizations of the many layered aspects of our truest nature blossomed open in me. The deeper realities mostly unknown to a western mind came digested and presented not just in a way that made them accessible, but actually experientially available for me to be as. I remember sending him a message one day saying: “you must be the most unrecognized man in your service to people.” 6 months after our last call I am still integrating the richness of Peter’s teachings and harvesting the ripples of his guiding presence. There are things that simply cannot be put into words, because in those places and times, you cease to exist as an individual entity. So there’s technically no one then to report on the ‘experience’. Even the one who comes back is only left with a subliminal understanding from the realm one was in prior… I don’t want to get too lyrical here, although it’s simply that poetry does Peter’s work much better justice than linear language.

There are subtle things in existence that do require a total leap of faith to be felt and experienced, and it is rare to find such a worthy guide to take that leap with. I have deep gratitude for what was imparted, and what is now forever established inside of my being.


Working with Peter has been hugely transformational for me. I knew I needed someone special to work with, as “normal” therapy just wasn’t going to cut it. And in Peter I found that special someone. His insight, knowledge, awareness and compassion are incomparable. Throughout our 6 months of working together my life and my awareness have been transformed, old wounds and conditioning have been healed and released, I feel strong and empowered. Words cannot really express the depth of the work being done in this container. 

I have been working as a doctor, hypno-psychotherapist and coach for many years and thought I was quite advanced on the spiritual path and self-awareness. I came to realise through my work with Peter that what I thought to be consciousness was still processed and experienced through my narrative self or my mind. To access true awareness or consciousness means to step outside of the mind altogether. This is something that Peter has led me into and I am forever grateful for this awakening. To be in pure awareness, without having a single thought was one of the highlights of my work with Peter, which is something I could never have imagined I would be able to do.

I have had the most extraordinary experiences, connecting with love, joy and freedom on a deeper level than ever before. I now have access to the infinite nature of my being, which changes everything. The journey has not always been easy as we were exploring the depths of any arising issues, letting go of pain and fear. Yet, there was always love underneath those issues and I discovered the perfection of things as life unfolds in its mystery. I felt safely held and unconditionally supported at all times by Peter.  Thank you, thank you, thank you!


A beautiful being I had the honor to walk with had such a transformational breakthrough, that after our last session she has insisted for me to interview her for you. She wanted for all of you to be able to read her story and the impact of our work together. 

She is a visionary leader who has gone from bankrupt to multimillionaire by following her Soul's calling and vision to empower and liberate oppressed muslim women around the world. She has already touched the lives of over a hundred thousand Souls. She is in her early forties, is a celebrity in a South East Asian country and wishes to remain anonymous.


"After having empowered the hearts of many oppressed muslim women, I lost my energy and my vitality. I have lost my Muse, I have lost my health and my relationships. I tried many many things which did not work.

Before I started working with you, I wasted 3 years of my life in finding solutions for losing my Muse and my calling. I have tried so many things.

I even risked my life and sanity doing intense sacred plant medicine retreats. Can you imagine? I traveled all around the world, doing so many courses. Spent so much money and time. This is what I have spent; and this is what I have lost: I have lost my belief in myself. I lost belief in myself. Totally. I was still in doubt, I was still clouded, I didn't get my Muse back.

My heart and vitality was still lost in my chronic fatigue, until I had a session with you. (At this point tears welled up in her eyes, and she broke a glass with a sweeping gesture, shattering it on the floor. She cried out immediately, "See? it is true!" ) 

Since I had my first session with you and you walked me through the meaning of my precise and accurate map, and guided me to embrace my subconscious parts lovingly, everything changed! Now I feel I have so much more energy! I got myself back! I have my Muse back!

Q. What were your 3 core pain points prior to working with me?

A. I was torn between following my vision and honoring myself. Torn apart by the dilemma of taking care of myself and fulfilling my visions. My ego or my small child wanted something else, but my Soul knew I have a calling to follow. This resulted in fatigue, exhaustion, a lot of anger, a lot of resentment. This affected my relationships. This also affected my business, my sales have dropped and my health has deteriorated. I was doubting my vision, I was doubting myself and was feeling guilty for not continuing my vision. Feeling torn apart by the dilemma to chose myself or to sacrifice myself for my visions.

Q. Why did you feel you need to sacrifice yourself for your visions?

A. Haha, (Laughing) because I didn't know all these things you have explained to me. My underlying mental patterns which I only realized when I discovered Gene Keys. When I discovered Gene Keys, I said: I wish I knew this map years ago, wish I had my soul map, so I didn't waste my time on doing so many things which do not work. All these years! Doing things which didn't work!

If I could have seen you 3 years ago, maybe my mission could have been totally different! I would not have all that wasted time believing all these other things can help me! Even risking my sanity doing extreme things. Believing that maybe plant medicine, maybe tantra, and maybe yet another personal development course will help me.

Yet, actually, the underlying issue was always the same subconscious defense patterns you have explained to me via the Gene Keys. You have helped me to face and love these subconscious aspects of myself via your deep inner meditation exercises.

Certainty!!!! Certainty is power!!! You gave me certainty! A customized map according to my Soul, not a generalized thing.

Leaders have no time. They are running with time. They all try many many things which do not work. I have my multimillionaire visionary friends around the world with the exact same problem. They cannot afford the time to keep trying things which do not work. Like a stab in the dark, thinking hmm, let me try this, maybe this will work...; and it doesn't. They have also no time to read all this vast Gene Keys material. Like contemplating for 2 years on a self guided journey... No, they cannot do that! My friends also tried plant medicine many times. All are so desperate.

We all have the vision how to help, we all have the big heart, we just do not know what to do and how to navigate the dark night of the soul periods in our lives.

Q. What was the most precious for you in our time together? What was your biggest breakthrough?

A. To see my blindspots I was not aware of. Not just any old blindspot, but the RIGHT blindspot. You showed me the right blindspot. You have showed me the missing piece. THAT! Not like try this, try that. Bang. You pointed out Precisely the exact missing link. The word is certainty! No, its deeper than certainty, it is really accurate. It is Precision! It is really precise what you do!

Q. Giving you a precise description of your blindspots, the same banana peels you keep slipping on so to say, How did this solve your problems?

A. Your help in navigating my life with my own design gave me confidence without any doubts! Like normally, when I go for all the other courses, I keep thinking, is this suitable for me, is it really connected to me? Where some people are just sharing whatever has worked for them. But none of that worked for me.

But with you, because you use my unique Human Design and Gene Keys, and are guided by your own sharp intuition, you intuitively knew the right buttons to push for me. It all immediately clicked for me. After your sessions I always feel like I have no doubts. Just Wow!!!! Just blown away!
Precisely what I needed. People doubt because they don't see their position, they are not clear. It's vague, it's fluffy. When you gave me such precise clarity, all my doubts disappeared and I knew exactly what I needed to do to deliver on my vision.

More than that, I felt already blown away by you during our very first session. As after all these years of trying and failing with many things, with your guidance I could immediately connect to my own divinity and feel the love and peace with an immense cathartic release.

You are very good in helping leaders remember who they are when they are blind with their self doubt, when they have problems. So in summary you helped me by removing my doubts, and gave me certainty by having my own direct experience. You gave me clarity to know what to do, and you made me Fly!!!

You know I am helping... , or my work is really..., or I should say my Soul path is to bring the light into the lives of oppressed Muslim women. It is BIG, and I have given up. I have given up on it.

And You? You helped me to stand up and be fired up to answer the call again with certainty in my heart!

You see there are a lot of visionary leaders who have the same problems. They are also very private. They don't just go see anyone. They are confidential. They need fast, precise and customized help which is effective, and that is exactly what you do!


How does one adequately describe when someone changes their life so significantly, by holding space, and caring for one in the depths of their transition and emotional release?  It's a powerful thing to witness yourself standing at the edge, knowing that you need to take the step forward in order to heal, but knowing that you are really afraid to take it. Peter was able to hold my hand, hold space, show up, and have all the tools ready for me, at my disposal with all the support I need in order to help me step into my next self, my best version of me. I have never felt so calm and happy in my entire life. Peter was able to hone in immediately and identify the greater issues and get right down to the things that were needed to calm me, bring peace, and stabilize my nervous system. For the first time, I was able to sit still and meditate and rise out of the body. I witnessed the full rebirth of myself. The shackles that were once binding me were shattered and my entire body rose from the rubble.  It was one of the most powerful transformative things I have ever committed to. I am deeply grateful for his services, but above all, I am deeply grateful for his ability to hold space and be the support system he is and to have all the right tools.


Being supported by Peter is like having a dear wise one holding your hand, navigating this world with so much more love, spaciousness and ease. His unconditional love, generosity, patience and non-judgment allowed me to open up and feel safe to explore many parts that I did not know existed within me. So many of these hidden parts have been hurt, shamed, buried, or ignored because of how painful these memories were. With Peter's guidance, I learnt to sit with all kinds of emotions and be curious and accepting of these emotions, especially the so-called "not-so-great ones" and the feelings we were taught to push away. Every session felt like a significant breakthrough, limiting beliefs after limiting beliefs shattered into thousands of pieces with new liberating pathways created. These limiting beliefs buried deep in my psyche for the last thirty-plus years affected me in ways that made me feel constricted, obstructed, and easily irritated. So many of these limiting identities and stories would have otherwise taken me years to come to awareness, let alone release. 

Working with Peter for 6 months has made me feel like I have been granted an express ticket to live a life with more profound presence, freedom and intimacy. There have been countless moments where I thought about how lucky I am to have the opportunity to sit in mentorship as deep as this one with Peter. I have thoroughly enjoyed soaking in every golden nugget of wisdom he has to share, from exploring my unique Human Design and Gene Keys to utilising modalities such as iConscious, Internal Family Systems to the profound meditation techniques and many more… Peter, I am grateful for your support and guidance, and lastly, thank you for guiding me home. A constant reminder that a home is where love and freedom are just a default.


Clarity and confidence! This is what working with Peter on my Gene Keys gave me first and foremost. It is mind-blowing how insightful the Gene Keys are. They give you a unique overview about your soul journey, your shadow sides and how you can transform these. You will know your strongest gifts and siddhis, and you will dive into your purpose and your life’s work you are here to fulfill. The deeper you dive into the Gene Keys the more you can unlock your true potential, which is very exciting!I highly recommend working with Peter, as his knowledge and guidance through the Gene Keys is astonishing and truly incredible! Thank you Peter from the bottom of my heart!


I had the delight of both teaching Peter and him assisting me as a coach trainer. His compassionate, warmhearted presence, goodwill and skillset is very grounding. Peter has a passion to help people experience their true being in the present moment, becoming intimate with the blindspots behind their current challenges and resistance. In Peter’s words: “To create practical solutions for dynamic transmutation of our ordinary experience into a rapturous intoxication of our eternal essence, by realizing the awe of perfection behind every event of our lives.” His dedication and skill and the ability to hold a clean mirror in which your truth may be reflected makes Peter a great choice as a coach and mentor.


Doing deep work with Peter during this lockdown season has been one of the best decisions I made. It was definitely one of the most profound experiences of my life. Working with Peter has been a pure blessing. He shared his lens of seeing the beauty and perfection in myself and everything else around me by imparting his years of knowledge and experience in different modalities and practices that are profoundly impactful. On top of all of that, Peter guided me through past experiences that surfaced during our sessions by holding space so gracefully to unveil the many gifts that were hidden within. Leaving me experiencing renewed energy and an increased sense of bliss like I never had before. The collaboration has shifted my relationship with myself and others in so many ways. I can confidently say that my experience with life has never been the same since. I have emerged out of it as a being that is so much more contented, blissful and well-equipped to enjoy life in its entirety. I am truly grateful to have the privilege of meeting and connecting with Peter, it has shifted my life in ways I never could have imagined!


Working with Peter for 6 months has really helped me to become more grounded and in tune with myself. I learned to judge myself less and just become a witness to my human experience. My biggest breakthrough was deconditioning my undefined root and ajna. I think learning to slow down was exactly what I needed in order to feel more present in my life. Peter is one of the kindest and most compassionate teachers I've had. He was flexible but wasn't afraid to push me out of my comfort zone. My entire life has shifted from the work I've done with him. I appreciated that I could show up as myself, without needing to prove a single thing about my work, my business, who I am and what I do or what I offer. I didn't have to keep up with any expectations. It was a safe container for healing, awareness and expansion but not in the way one might expect. Learning to accept yourself is one of the best gifts you can give yourself. I'm so grateful for Peter's guidance and recommend him to anyone who's looking to just feel whole and worthy.



Meeting and working with Peter has been game changing for me on my journey inwards and back to myself. His knack for communicating profound wisdom in an accessible way has not only helped me to understand my path a bit better, it's enabled me to develop a better sense of humor about the whole thing. Who knew this work can actually be fun?!
A master of context and a brilliant mind, I've benefited greatly from our work together as a person and have also grown as a coach. To say that I'm grateful for Peter would be an understatement... He is an extraordinary human being and I can honestly say that my life is better because he is in it.


I started working with Peter when I was going through a very anxious and overwhelming period in my life. I had tried all conventional therapies but nothing gave me ease and understanding, until I met Peter. He helped me look past my ego and connect with my body and soul. He explained what was happening to me in a spiritual and much more transcendent way, giving me tools to overcome my mind and it's constant presence. Right from the first session, I felt like a different person. In every session he took his time and made sure I felt heard, understood and connected with myself. He has a unique skill set and energy. He empowers you to take control of your feelings and emotions, knocking down internal walls and letting your authentic self be. It is a very powerful experience to work with Peter. If you want awakening and understanding of who you are, Peter is your man.


Peter has expanded my world into places I never thought were possible. The experience deeply healed parts of me which wouldn’t have been reached if not for his unique skillset and transparency. I’ve been able to take the skillset for meditation with me and utilize it when I’m feeling lost or anxious. If I could take Peter with me wherever I went, I would. Meeting him is an experience that’s other-worldly. He’s transformed the way I accept and communicate with others and love the “unloveable” parts of myself.


Working with Peter has been a life changing experience for me. I felt my heart and mind expanding and flooding with thoughts and emotions. It took me a few weeks to absorb everything that happened during my session. Since my session with Peter I have grown much as a person with a better awareness of myself. I feel more in tune with who I am, with a heightened sense of love and compassion. Feeding my soul with self-love and worth has led to better relationships with my wife and children and a meaningful connection with my students and clients. Working with Peter brought a true understanding to my meditation practice and an understanding between the conscious and unconscious mind. With Peter’s guidance I was able to not only understand what the unconscious mind is, but experience it as well. During my session I was able to reintegrate a memory I was no longer aware of, and actually feel it’s loving emotions so much that when I came back to my physical presence, I had tears in my eyes. I look forward to working with Peter again and highly recommend his services if you are looking for a life changing and heart opening experience.


I am 43 years old and I have lived my entire life in my head and never knew what it was like to lead with my heart and really SEE people. I felt like I was behind a mask or shield and was blocked from relating with people from a truly authentic place. My sessions with Peter were indescribable. He led me to a space where I saw myself as a floating orb of energy with no worldly body in a vast empty space. I have never experienced anything like it. I felt so open, empowered and awakened. Directly after as I passed people, I no longer felt that shield. I felt like I was presenting my true self to them and I could really SEE them. Thank you Peter


After years of trying to hush the voice in my head, distracting and doubtful, asking “Am I doing it right? Am I meditating?,” Peter offered me a new way to get in, and stay in my meditation: through my heart! I remember feeling a bit nervous before my heart-coherence session with Peter — what if I wasn’t able to meditate “right”? But I instantly felt safe and at ease, wrapped in the warmth of Peter’s soothing voice and calm, attentive presence. He gently guided me into and through a beautiful and intense session, in which I unlocked a flood of blissful love from within and all around me. With his support, I was able to explore new emotional and liberating depths of self-love. I also found a mantra that I now use in my daily practice and life, which helps me connect to the powerful sensation of loving kindness that I discovered in my session with Peter. I am forever grateful for my experience, and it is from that place of loving kindness which Peter guided me to that I strive to live and teach every day.


Peter is a fascinating person. So much awareness and knowledge in many areas. His knowledge of Gene Keys and Human Design is vast! I gained much insight into my true nature and how I operate in my world most effectively. He comes from a very caring, non judgmental place in his heart. I felt very comfortable throughout the whole process. I highly recommend Gene Keys work with with Peter, you will be amazed at how accurate it is!


My sessions with Peter provided me with so much information and experience! He lead me into various states of consciousness that widened my perspective on reality and enriched my spiritual practice. It allowed me to see areas in my life where I need to give more attention, love and care to myself and others. As a teacher, it has also broadened my perspective on the different ways that people can drop into meditative states. Peter is basically a God. He is a meditation genius with the voice of an angel.


Peter showed me for the first time how undeniably connected meditation is to the neuroscience of our happiness. His passion for the field is contagious and he delights in educating his clients on these areas of expertise.


Working with Peter was such a delight. He is such a gentle, compassionate person who brings steadiness and a sense of peace with him, and in that way he makes the perfect guide. Peter gave me the tools to be able to come back to my center. Using biofeedback, I was given tangible information in real time, as to where to return my attention to quiet the mind and open my heart. I really believe that the ability to center in is the foundational life skill that all others are built upon, and Peter has a unique gift for teaching these practical tools in such a kind and loving way. I can not recommend him enough!


Peter's sessions opened up to me a world which I had previously been unable to access. His soothing voice, caring nature and gentle guidance helped me to open my heart and has led me down an amazing path. It has changed the way I deal with stress and difficulty in my life and transformed these moments into something much more productive. I cannot recommend working with Peter enough and thank him for everything he has done for me!


I met Peter in 2018 right as I was in the midst of a big life transition. I had never meditated before, and to be honest, I was a bit intimidated by the idea of meditation. Peter not only put my worries to rest, but he invited me to really enjoy and connect with myself in ways that I had never before. He helped me discover my own truth, offering me meditation as a guide through difficult decisions. Peter has a deep wisdom and a magnetic energy about him that is a rare gift. I feel honored to have studied and spent time with him!


Raising awareness of my blindspots with Peter has led me to a breakthrough. It was very helpful to break with my scenario of possibilities and start to see my reality from a different paradigm. Especially creating alternative future possibilities together, and planning ways to get there. I have felt seen, heard and understood. What worked best for me to reach new understandings and solutions to foreseeing and managing my own life more wisely, was the empathy and understanding I felt from Peter, as he was able to put himself in my shoes, he has already been there in some of my struggles and had a very precise ear for all my comments.