Our perception renders our model of reality

Purifying your perception brings instant healing and awakening. Everything flows from the right view. What we see in the world and others is generally our own unconscious projection of our own internal processes and self-judgments. Our reality is defined by our views, and our externalized judgments obscure our perception. Our perception and the “world” we live in is karmically conditioned. Once our wrong views are purified all the worlds are seen as a land of love.

Healing means being made whole. Experiencing deeper layers of your consciousness will completely change your views on life, others and your Self. This experience unfolds your fundamental wellbeing.

The challenge is, once our naturally pristine true nature finds itself in a body, our early experiences of the six senses create a limited perception of the world. The sense of primordial safety and wholeness is obscured by our experience of helplessness and separation as a baby. How we perceived others behaving towards us defined our early models of reality and imprinted our limbic system. Dealing with that perception created a sense of defensive identity in us. The way we view our reality from that identity generates painful ripples in our being. Starting with limiting beliefs in our causal body, reflecting as thoughts in our mental body, which reflect as emotions in our astral body, in turn reflecting as tension in the physical body.

When we mature to see clearly again in our wholeness, there are no distorted ripples, and we enjoy the lights and sounds of our essence dancing as the infinite whole. The tree realizes it is the forest. The planet realizes it is the universe. Awareness realizes it is singular.

Similarly, admiring the moon’s reflection dancing on a midnight ocean, in the mirror on the wall of your room, you see that it is mirroring the moon above. You also know the moon is reflecting the light coming from the Sun. Many of us are only aware of emotional and physical stress, the moon on the ocean and its reflection on the mirror. As we grow up, we all can naturally mature in seven year cycles into subtler bodies and their greater scope of awareness, but without guidance and initiation from the elders we often remain identifried with younger bodies, parts and their limited perception.

Trying to find peace and joy at the awareness level of physical, emotional or mental tension, is just as useless as trying to rub out the shadows cast by the Sun, as they are reflections of the assumed identity created by the confused perception. We must look from a higher vantage point. With guidance we can unblend ourself from, and heal our separate identity parts from their projections, and re-embrace them with Love back to wholeness.

Rising above the view of our six senses opens our awareness to higher realities. We wake up to actually seeing the infinite realms of our Self - our inherent Buddha nature, which flowers endless worlds. Therefore our thoughts and emotions will also clear up as they are now reflecting a higher view. Just as the Sun simultaneously illuminates the depths of myriads of planets, moons and lakes on them, it is not trapped in any of them. Focusing on purifying our perception is the key.

The right view, as Buddha has put it, is the joy of seeing clearly without identity filters the light of the Sun in our inner sky effortlessly dispersing the clouds of our confused projections. One glimpse of this will wake you up to the bliss of higher reality models, naturally melting away limited identities of the old view, and making space for your higher Self to shine through.

There are specific sessions, practices and support for you to experience this during our journey together.

Expanded Consciousness & shifts in Identity

Have you experienced such a vast opening of awareness, during yoga, prayer, or a meditation retreat, that it has dissolved or overwhelmed your surface personality and you found yourself one with everything? The scope of support available through modern psychology is often useless here, as that is aimed at maintaining the grip of your separate identity, exactly what this spiritual emergence experience is here to melt away and liberate you from.

Awakening means experiencing our true identity as boundless singular consciousness of pure bliss. The realization then also dawns, that we are not the character in the story of our life. Our nervous system can begin to unwind the defensiveness around holding on to those stories, to discover fresh new blissful ways of being alive as unity. This unwinding process can create a lot of fear, as we are facing and releasing all limitations, so profound guidance is critical.

The ancient paths and vehicles of our wisdom traditions are specifically designed for these stages of the journey, for transitioning you all the way home into the fullness of your wholeness. Transitioning your identity and experiencing the dissolution of who you thought you were is the most amazing experience us humans can have.

Inner Tantras

The inner tantras are designed for those of us who are at this level of growth. The advanced practices help to stabilize this shift in identity from the struggle of a separate being to living as the whole in blissful flow. There is the right support and practice for every stage of your growth, through generation stage and completion stage practices. You can explore more about that by clicking here.